This is my go to smoothie when I'm looking for something light and refreshing.
Mint is a burst of flavor and also has great cleansing benefits and promotes digestion.
It stimulates digestive enzymes that absorb nutrients from our food and help turn that fat into energy!
If mint isn't your thing still give it a try! Fresh mint has a totally different flavor profile than the processed extract you might be used to.
This is a great smoothie for kids and Hummingbird has a ton of glass straws with fun critters on them that your kids will love to sip through!

Apple Mint Smoothie
1 frozen Banana
1 Frozen Apple pieces
8 oz Organic Apple Juice
4 oz Water
Handful of Ice
4 stems of Mint
Agave nectar to taste
Add liquids to blender then solids. Remove leaves from the stems of mint and blend until smooth. Add agave or another sweetener to taste.